Thursday, September 12, 2013

*N* Family

I have been begging for this amazing gene pool of a family to let me take their pictures and we finally set the date!
 This may be the most photogenic family ever. 
Seriously, right?
Does this little guy's face not just make you crack up?! 
He was full of it.
 Gorgeous mom= Gorgeous daughter...
 I loved how this cute sister just wrangled these little hooligan brothers in there! Good girl!
 Finally got little man to laugh! I think we were talking about poop though..... boys....
 This little dude is 5 and proud of it!
 In order to get this face, I was laughing telling him I knew what he was thinking. Apparently I guessed it. It was, "Are we almost done with these stinking pictures yet?"
 More of the tall, gorgeous blonde...
 Sneaking up on dad is hilarious...
 He was such a little stink. I loved it.
 She is a daddy's girl for sure.
And she manages to look this gorgeous through all of this? Not fair.

Thank you so much for letting me take your cute pictures! 
I loved it!

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